Analysis of Silk Development in the Next Five Years

1 International Silk Development Situation and Competitive Environment 1.1 Development Status and Characteristics of the International Silk Market 1.1.1 General Development Trend of the Fiber Industry Man-made fibers only have a history of 100 years. Prior to this, humans depended on natural fibers such as cotton, wool, silk and hemp. Used in textile and apparel and other production areas. Since the 1950s, various kinds of synthetic fibers have come out one after another. The large amount of cheap synthetic fiber has greatly enriched the total production and use of textile fibers, and has become a competitor of natural fibers. The raw material of synthetic fiber is petroleum, but the earth’s oil resources are exhausted after 30-50 years. With the continuous advancement of social economy, increase in population, change in consumer awareness, and gradual improvement in living standards, the return to nature and the protection of the environment are low. The concept of carbon life has been deeply rooted in people's minds.

In order to cope with the global crisis of the oil crisis and adapting to the concept of environmental protection, the fiber industry is gradually moving closer to the development and use of natural fibers. In recent years, various new fibers have emerged, such as natural colored cotton, bamboo fiber, Lyocell fiber, PLA fiber, soybean protein fiber, silkworm protein fiber, etc. These fibers have the characteristics of natural fibers, not only excellent performance and environmental protection, such return Natural fibers are an inevitable trend in the development of the fiber industry.

1.1.2 The Necessity of Developing the Silk on the International Development The development of new natural fiber resources is of great significance to improving the living environment of human beings and promoting the sustainable development of the economy. Natural fiber consumption now accounts for 40% of total fiber use. With the development of the times, the total amount of fiber consumption must be constantly increasing. Even if this ratio remains unchanged, it will need to increase the supply of millions of tons.

In the world, cotton production is affected by the limitation of arable land area and food security. It has been stable at about 25 million tons in the past 20 years, and the possibility of growth is no longer large; wool-based natural wool fibers are subject to With the limitation of grassland area, a large increase in the amount of breeding will lead to an increase in grassland desertification, which is tantamount to aggravating the already fragile grassland ecology. The mulberry itself does not occupy fertile land, and it can maintain water and soil, even if it does not raise sericulture, it has a good ecological effect. The adoption of picking mulberry leaves and sericulture has played a positive role in promoting the income of the people in impoverished areas and promoting the development of poverty-stricken areas. The development of the silk industry meets the requirements of the sustainable development of the green cycle. In the comprehensive development and utilization of silk and related products, economic, social and ecological benefits can be achieved at the same time. It plays an extremely important role in promoting the development of rural economy, raising the income of silkworm farmers, improving the ecological environment, solving the employment of urban and rural labor force, expanding export earnings, and enriching people’s material and cultural life. In many developing countries, the silk industry is supported as an important industry for the development of the rural economy. In a comprehensive comparison, the development of the silk industry in the world is a sustainable development industry that satisfies both the demand for fiber growth and environmental protection.

Silk has its excellent performance and elegant and gorgeous appearance, which is inferior to other textile fibers. Therefore, it is called "fiber queen" and "second human skin." However, its output was limited. Even during the prosperity of the 1930s, it accounted for only 0.8% of the total textile fibers. With the advent of various synthetic fibers, the proportion of the total production of silk fibers in textile fibers has gradually decreased for decades. Although the production of raw silk in the world had increased to 80,000 tons in 2008, due to the faster growth of fiber demand in the world, the proportion of total silk production in the silk has been reduced to 0.172%. With the change of consumption concepts and the recovery of the world economy, the demand for silk and silk will increase internationally. Therefore, it is expected that the silk industry will have a lot of development space and market prospects in the world.

1.1.3 Characteristics and Development Trends of the Silk Industry With the depletion of petroleum resources and the deteriorating living environment, the world today advocates low-carbon, environmentally-friendly production and lifestyles. The development of the silk industry not only does not compete with grain and cotton, but also contributes to greening. Environment, water conservation; can also create employment opportunities for urban and rural labor. The unique ecological, economic and social effects of the silk industry are bound to highlight its unique role in world economic and social development.

The silk industry has a distinctive circular economy, mulberry, silkworm, and silk are all "treasures," and mulberry, mulberry, mulberry, mulberry, silkworm cocoon, and silkworm can all be used to their full potential. Silk products are widely used Aerospace travels to all areas of people's lives. Silk is unique, elegant, soft and elegant. So far, there are no other fiber products to replace. Returning to nature and advocating nature is a common orientation of domestic and foreign consumers. As more and more high-tech products are used in the silk and silk industry, more and better new silk and silk products are bound to come out. The growing consumption potential contained in silk and silk products will certainly stimulate greater market demand. The silk industry has Good market consumption prospects.

1.2 Development of Silk Industry in Main Competing Countries China is the world's largest silk producer and exporter. At present, China's raw silk production accounts for more than 70% of the world total, and exports account for more than 80% of world trade volume. However, high-grade silk developed in Brazil has a strong competitive advantage in Europe, and Indian silk and Thai silk that have formed a unique style and Vietnam's low-priced raw silk also have the strength to compete with our country.

The Indian government attaches importance to the development of the silk industry, established the Central Silk Bureau, strengthened leadership, coordinated planning, attached importance to scientific research, utilized foreign aid, improved varieties, and improved quality. For half a century, silk production has grown steadily. The output of silk generally doubles every ten years. Production of raw silk increased by 12.5 times in 50 years. In 2000, the output of raw silk was 15,214 tons, which accounted for 21.4% of the world's total output, ranking second in the world. Domestic silk consumption in India has also increased year by year. At present, the annual demand for raw silk in India is about 23,000 tons, domestic supply is 16,000 tons, and the remaining 7,000 tons are imported. India is the country with the fastest growth in silk production and domestic consumption in recent decades. At present, it has become the world’s second largest silk production country and the largest consumer country.

After Vietnam’s national unification in 1975, Vietnam was only able to resume its long-established silk production. In 1985, the government established a nationwide Vietnamese silkworm mulberry company and launched a comprehensive silk agriculture project. Because Vietnam's natural conditions are suitable for planting mulberry and raising silkworms, and the government has strengthened its leadership to attract foreign investments such as South Korea and Italy, silk production has grown rapidly, and Vietnam has the potential to become one of the major suppliers of raw silk in the world.

In the past ten years, the Uzbek government has privatized the sericulture industry, established a national silk industry joint venture, and vigorously carried out joint ventures with South Korea and Japan, so production has increased rapidly. In 2001, it produced 1,260 tons of silk and 140 tons of wire, which was mainly exported. From the perspective of trends, it may exceed Brazil and rank third in the world. At present, the supply of raw silk in the world is concentrated in Asian developing countries.

Statistics show that the world's real silk market is a relatively stable development market. The total amount of silk consumption has been stable at around 60,000 tons for a long period of time. Although it has increased in recent years, the growth rate is not very large. As a result, the world’s silk production does not have significant ups and downs in general. Its development and changes are mainly due to changes in the balance between different countries. It is an expropriation relationship and the competition for low-end products is fierce. Therefore, the technological content of silk products is increased. The new silk products that meet the consumption needs of emerging consumers are the inevitable trend of international silk consumption growth in the future.

1.3 Analysis of the impact of international competition on China's silk industry The intensified competition in the world silk industry has brought severe challenges and shocks to China. In recent decades, in order to break the internationally dominant situation of China's silk and silk industry, some countries and international organizations have systematically channeled capital and technology to countries that may become our competitors. The relevant organizations of the United Nations, the World Bank, the European Union, Japan, South Korea, and France have strongly supported the development of the silk industry in countries such as India, Thailand, Vietnam, Brazil, and even Nepal in terms of capital and technology. India, in particular, has become the world’s second largest producer of silk and the largest consumer of the world. It has been able to reare silkworm cocoon and use it for the production of 2A-4A milled silk. The end product has a very high intake capacity. In 2000, for the first time, India’s export of silk to the United States surpassed that of China. In 2001, it was 2.56 times that of China’s exports to the United States. In addition to other Southeast Asian countries, some African countries and the CIS countries are committed to the development of the silk industry, and the global supply of silk raw materials has increased substantially, and competition has been increasing.

Silk continues to face fierce competition from other fiber products. With the rapid development of textile technology in the world and the constant breakthrough of chemical fiber simulation technology, silk fibers continue to be subject to fierce competition and challenges, especially in overcoming the weaknesses of easy-to-shrink and easy-to-fold silk fibers, which have not yet had a significant impact on the world. And products that have played a breakthrough role in the development of the world silk industry.

The technical equipment of the silk industry in China has made great progress. At present, automatic reeling machines account for more than 85%, and Italian shuttleless looms account for 30%. However, China’s silk products have long been dominated by the export of raw materials and are known abroad as raw materials in China, Italian brands, and prices in the international market. This pattern has seriously hampered the development of China’s silk industry. In the final product, the export of China's woven silk garments is currently less than 100 million pieces. Compared with the 350 million items exported in the highest vintage, there is still a large gap between them, and there is ample room for development. To improve the competitiveness of China's silk products, we must shift our focus to exporting the final products, improve product quality, expand the proportion of deep-processing and precision-processing products, and further increase the added value of products, so as to promote silk consumption and expand silk production. Export.

The capacity of the world silk market is limited, and the world’s silk consumption is greatly affected by the economy. With the alternative competition of other fibers, the total capacity of the silk market cannot be rapidly expanded, and the proportion of silk in textile fibers is below 0.2% for many years. China silkworm cocoon, raw silk is not leading in quality, lags behind in R&D investment, has no absolute advantage in terms of labor cost and India, Brazil and other countries. To maintain long-term competitiveness, it also needs innovation in science and technology.

1.4 Analysis of the Development Trend of the International Silk Market in the Next Five Years The sustainable development in the past half century has led many developing countries to gradually solve the problem of food and clothing and move toward a well-off society, bringing long-term sustainable growth to the textile industry; the demand for textiles from developed country residents is stable and outstanding. It is reflected in the higher levels of fashion, natural comfort and luxury. Due to advances in science and technology and emerging new consumer fields such as functional clothing, home textiles and industrial textiles, the textile industry continues to drive development. Demand promotes production, and the silk industry is still a featured industry internationally. With the global economic recovery and consumer trends escalating, the international textile consumer market, including silk products, will continue to grow steadily. With the development and application of high-tech, the single fiber product of pure silk will be relatively reduced, and the diversification of raw fiber-based textile fibers is a development trend. The International Silk Association's analysis of the world's silk consumption forecasts that it will maintain an annual growth rate of around 5% in the next five years.

1.4.1 Innovation in science and technology. The diversification of raw fiber-based textile fibers is a development trend. Blending, color spinning, interweaving and other methods of recombination and collocation change the appearance and intrinsic quality of silk, reduce costs, and greatly increase the cost. The varieties and colors of silk make it more colorful and increase the competitiveness of silk products and other fiber products.

1.4.2 Development of home textiles and industrial textiles The market will vigorously create new areas for silk consumption. From the perspective of market demand, the company closely focused on the characteristics of silk fibers, and while vigorously developing silk garments, turbans and ties, it actively developed a series of ancillary products such as silk bedding and decorative silk products to further increase the use of silk. The added value of the product. Apply new and high technologies to develop new uses such as health care, medical care, food, and cosmetics.

1.4.3 High-quality, multi-functional According to different levels and different consumer needs, targeted development and production of different grades of products. Further improve the traditional silk varieties, comprehensively improve the quality of silkworm cocoons and grades of silk varieties; apply new and high technologies to expand the new fields of silk products, greatly increase the content of science and technology, and comprehensively enhance the industrial structure, technical level and product quality of cocoon silk.

1.4.4 Reduce costs and save energy consumption with technology as the guide, product as the leader, start with the cultivation and promotion of high-quality silkworm varieties, solve the key technologies of raw material production, automatic reeling, shuttleless weaving, and deep printing and dyeing, strengthen the mulberry Silkworm varieties optimization, improvement and basic research. We will increase research and investment in wastewater treatment of silk and silk printing and dyeing, promote advanced practical technologies, and gradually reduce wastewater discharge.

2 Domestic Silk Development Situation and Competitive Environment 2.1 Status and Characteristics of Domestic Silk Market Development In 2009, the State issued a series of measures such as “The Adjustment and Revitalization Plan of the Textile Industry”, and the economic leading indicators began to pick up in the second half of the year, and domestic consumption growth further accelerated. Economic development.

Under the guidance of the country’s spirit of “enhance growth, expand domestic demand, and adjust structure”, the silk industry in China has fully implemented the revitalization plan, continuously consolidate the industrial base, actively optimize the regional layout, and vigorously upgrade the industrial structure, effectively alleviating external shocks and industry adjustments. The entire silk industry has maintained a relatively stable development trend. The price of silk reel rose steadily from the first quarter of 2009, protecting the interests of silkworm farmers, and the basis for the development of the industry was further consolidated. With the implementation of the “enlarge domestic demand” policy of the country, the adjustment of the structure of silk products, the gradual release of new silk varieties to the market, and the continuous improvement of people’s tastes, the focus of silk products has shifted to the consumption fields such as underwear and home textiles. Take silk quilt as an example. At present, the annual output of silkworms in China has reached more than 7 million pieces. The annual consumption of silk is about 15,000 tons, and the amount of silkworms consumed in the domestic market has reached about 30%, and it has been growing year by year. The steady growth of the domestic silk market has brought new opportunities for the development of the silk industry, and the economic benefits of silk companies have also steadily improved.

It should be said that a series of national measures to promote domestic demand through consumption has made the silk industry in China suffer from the financial crisis. However, there are still many uncertainties and uncertainties in the global economy. Consumer demand in the international market, especially including Consumer demand for luxury goods, including silk products, remained weak after a substantial decline. In the face of the current situation, all parties in the silk industry should review the situation, jointly safeguard the reasonable and stable price of silk, and promote stable, healthy and long-term sustainable development of the industry.

There are still many problems in the domestic market. For example, the overall production technology and equipment of our country's silk enterprises are backward; the production of products is mainly based on raw material production; the product development capability is weak and the brand construction is backward; corporate organization and management are backward. At present, the overall characteristics of silk enterprises are small scale of production, low concentration, weak market competitiveness and ability to resist risks. However, the crisis can be transformed into opportunities. With the support of the country's policies, many companies have completed their own structural transformation. Taking the market as the guide, increasing the contribution rate of the science and technology of the silk industry, and expanding domestic demand, several measures should be the inevitable way to enhance China's international discourse power and become a strong silk country.

2.2 Analysis of the impact of domestic economic development on the domestic silk market As China's economy continues to develop, the spending power of silk clothing will gradually increase. Consumers are increasingly pursuing green, eco-friendly, personalized, and fashionable consumption methods. Silk products are easy to meet people's consumption needs, and silk new products with large consumption of silk are emerging in an endless stream, and have gradually shifted from high-income groups to middle-income people. With family expansion, consumers have a very strong market demand for silk products that suit their living standards.

With the implementation of the “enhanced domestic demand” policy by the state, people’s quality of life continues to increase, and with the adjustment of the structure of silk products, a large number of marketable silk new varieties have gradually been put on the market, and the proportion of domestic silk goods has been steadily increasing. Silk products have been focusing on consumer products such as underwear, home textiles and accessories. Long-staple knitted T-shirts, silk-coated fabrics, and apparel have entered high-end brand consumption, especially silk home textiles, decorative products, silk-wool blends, and silk-knitted underwear. The emergence of silky new silk products has played a positive role in effectively stimulating the stable growth of the domestic silk market, and has also brought new opportunities for the development of the silk industry. To build a silk brand, we must first start from the domestic level, first expand at home, and then have the qualifications, experience and strength to go to the international market.

2.3 Analysis of the Development Trend of the Domestic Cocoon Silk Market 2.3.1 Gradient Transfer of “Dong Sangxi Moving” Obviously The trend of inter-regional gradient transfer in the planting mulberry sericulture industry has become more pronounced. The structural adjustment of the silkworm production area has been accelerating. With the “east sangxi migration” The project has been further promoted and the degree of industrial concentration has been improved. The coordinated development of the eastern, central and western regions has become increasingly effective. After three years of development, mulberry planting and primary product processing have gradually shifted to Anhui, Guangxi, Yunnan, Gansu, and Chongqing, and have been affected by local The government attaches great importance to continuously increasing the construction of sericulture bases and provides a good foundation for the development of the silk industry. The next few years will usher in new developments in sericulture production.

2.3.2 Prospects for home textiles are promising With the pursuit of high-grade lifestyles, home textile silk products are showing a good development trend. At present, the output of silkworms in China has reached more than 7 million, and the annual consumption of silk is about 15,000 tons. The domestic market has already digested cocoon amounts of about 30%, and has grown year by year. It is expected to maintain a growth rate of 20%. With the increase of GDP per capita, domestic demand for medium and high-end consumer goods has gradually increased. While traditional consumer goods such as silk fabrics and clothing have been further consolidated and improved, non-traditional products such as silk quilts, home textile products, knitted products, decorative silks, etc. are included in home textile products. There is much room for improvement and it is also a hot spot for the consumption of silk products in the domestic market in the future.

2.3.3 Silkworm silkworm expands the comprehensive utilization in the science and technology innovation, develops the silk new product, the textile fiber based on the raw silk is the diversification which is the development trend, for example interweaves with the other textile fiber, the blending and so on, complements each other, avoids weaknesses, develops the performance Excellent silk products. The comprehensive exploitation of mulberry silkworms will be further developed, and the value of mulberry silkworm cocoons will be excavated through various technical means. For example, mulberry leaves can be used for the development of mulberry trees. The mulberry leaf can be used as a health food, and it can also be used as a feed for poultry and livestock. The abandoned mulberry branches can be made into new types of wood flooring, and mulberry branch powder can also be used to cultivate mushrooms, silkworm cocoons and cultivating Cordyceps militaris. The silkworm baby is also very promising in the fields of medicine, cosmetics and biological products, such as sericin silk processing cosmetics and medicinal materials. Etc., and the development of silk protein artificial skin. We should vigorously develop the comprehensive utilization and development of silkworms, increase the enthusiasm of silkworm mulberry sericulture, and form a new sericulture production concept. The comprehensive utilization of mulberry silk resources continues to expand, becoming a high-tech area and a new growth point in the silk industry.

2.3.4 Domestic market trend Where the international market is weak, export difficulties are difficult to improve for a short period of time. Demand for luxury goods such as real silk products remains low in the international market. Silk companies will make every effort to open up the domestic consumer market, and many companies have started recruiting, adjusting product mix, and adapting to the domestic market to strengthen product design and development efforts. However, due to the long-term export-oriented silk enterprises, the construction of the marketing network in the domestic market is still weak. It is a long-term process to build a strategic platform for the Chinese silk brand marketing network.

2.3.5 Cultural Advantages Leading China's silk culture for thousands of years is a strong foundation for the development of silk products. The silk industry should focus on cultural advantages, strengthen brand building, and promote the unique advantages of silk fibers and fabrics. In the future, low-carbon economy will dominate, and combining natural and environmentally-friendly silk products with functional and fashionable sense with traditional silk culture will be crucial for opening up a vast space in the domestic market. More products centered around the characteristics of silk are emerging in an endless stream and become featured products in fiber products; silk culture and silk brands are closely integrated to create the “cultural + brand” characteristics of cultural development and brand development, initially forming several domestic and foreign Affected international brands, the visibility and coverage of the “high-end silk logo” have been further enhanced.

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